
,,Iaddedsometipsforlevel375inthecommentsundermyvideo.Hopetheyhelpout.Thereisalsoalinktoavideowithmoretipsthatshowsthenewestversion ...,2020年2月26日—CandyCrushSodalevel375'sgoal:Save40Bearsin45moves.Readourtips,watchourvideo&completeCandyCrushSodaSagalevel375.,Itiscommontorunoutofmovesbeforearrivingtothe4thboard.Thereare3bearsonthebottomrowinthe4thboard,whichareextremelyhardtobe ...

How to beat Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 375?

I added some tips for level 375 in the comments under my video. Hope they help out. There is also a link to a video with more tips that shows the newest version ...

level 375

2020年2月26日 — Candy Crush Soda level 375's goal: Save 40 Bears in 45 moves. Read our tips, watch our video & complete Candy Crush Soda Saga level 375.

Level 375 - Candy Crush Soda Wiki

It is common to run out of moves before arriving to the 4th board. There are 3 bears on the bottom row in the 4th board, which are extremely hard to be ...